Team Details

Nick Athanassov

Nick Athanassov

President & CEO, IT Solutions Specialist


Nick’s love of technology started in the early 90’s while he was in college. His first DOS computer and later Windows 3.1 lured him into a lifelong career within the IT field.

Throughout the years he has functioned as a technical instructor, network administrator, email administrator, IT entrepreneur. He brings over 20 years of IT experience to our team.

At TechSystems he functions as a team lead and a CEO of the company. 

Our passion is to find and implement IT solutions for the business needs of our growing customer base.

In his spare time and during off hours he likes to do…, well, the same thing – IT and technology is his job and his hobby. 

During his deep off-hours he plays with his grand kid and builds backyard projects for him.

As soul food, he reads God’s Word and gets involved in the activities of their local church.


How did your prior work experience help you with your duties at TechSystems?

What do you think are the best skills you bring to your work environment?

What have you enjoyed most about working at TechSystems?

What is one personal skill you would like to improve on?

What is one thing no one really knows about you?

What experience you think everyone should have?