Powershell Cmdlets

Get-CommandGets basic information about cmdlets…
Get-HelpDisplays information about Windows P…
Get-HistoryGets a list of the commands entered …
Invoke-HistoryRuns commands from the session history.
Add-HistoryAppends entries to the session history.
ForEach-ObjectPerforms an operation against each o…
Where-ObjectCreates a filter that controls which…
Set-PSDebugTurns script debugging features on a…
Add-PSSnapinAdds one or more Windows PowerShell …
Remove-PSSnapinRemoves Windows PowerShell snap-ins …
Get-PSSnapinGets the Windows PowerShell snap-ins…
Export-ConsoleExports the configuration of the cur…
Start-TranscriptCreates a record of all or part of a…
Stop-TranscriptStops a transcript.
Add-ContentAdds content to the specified item(s).
Clear-ContentDeletes the contents of a item, such…
Clear-ItemPropertyDeletes the value of a property but …
Join-PathCombines a path and child-path into …
Convert-PathConverts a path from a Windows Power…
Copy-ItemPropertyCopies a property and value from a s…
Get-EventLogGets information about local event l…
Get-ChildItemGets the items and child items in on…
Get-ContentGets the content of the item at the …
Get-ItemPropertyRetrieves the properties of a specif…
Get-WmiObjectGets instances of WMI classes or inf…
Move-ItemPropertyMoves a property from one location t…
Get-LocationGets information about the current w…
Set-LocationSets the current working location to…
Push-LocationPushes the current location onto the…
Pop-LocationChanges the current location to the …
New-PSDriveInstalls a new WIndows PowerShell dr…
Remove-PSDriveRemoves a Windows PowerShell drive f…
Get-PSDriveGets information about Windows Power…
Get-ItemGets the item at the specified locat…
New-ItemCreates a new item in a namespace.
Set-ItemChanges the value of an item to the …
Remove-ItemDeletes the specified items.
Move-ItemMoves an item from one location to a…
Rename-ItemRenames an item in a Windows PowerSh…
Copy-ItemCopies an item from one location to …
Clear-ItemDeletes the contents of an item, but…
Invoke-ItemInvokes the provider-specific defaul…
Get-PSProviderGets information about the specified…
New-ItemPropertySets a new property of an item at a …
Split-PathReturns the specified part of a path.
Test-PathDetermines whether all elements of a…
Get-ProcessGets the processes that are running …
Stop-ProcessStops one or more running processes.
Remove-ItemPropertyDeletes the property and its value f…
Rename-ItemPropertyRenames a property of an item.
Resolve-PathResolves the wildcard characters in …
Get-ServiceGets the services on the local compu…
Stop-ServiceStops one or more running services.
Start-ServiceStarts one or more stopped services.
Suspend-ServiceSuspends (pauses) one or more runnin…
Resume-ServiceResumes one or more suspended (pause…
Restart-ServiceStops and then starts one or more se…
Set-ServiceChanges the display name, descriptio…
New-ServiceCreates a new entry for a Windows Se…
Set-ContentWrites or replaces the content in an…
Set-ItemPropertySets the value of a property at the …
Get-AclGets the security descriptor for a r…
Set-AclChanges the security descriptor of a…
Get-PfxCertificateGets information about .pfx certific…
Get-CredentialGets a credential object based on a …
Get-ExecutionPolicyGets the current execution policy fo…
Set-ExecutionPolicyChanges the user preference for the …
Get-AuthenticodeSignatureGets information about the Authentic…
Set-AuthenticodeSignatureUses an authenticode signature to si…
ConvertFrom-SecureStringConverts a secure string into an enc…
ConvertTo-SecureStringConverts encrypted standard strings …
Format-ListFormats the output as a list of prop…
Format-CustomUses a customized view to format the…
Format-TableFormats the output as a table.
Format-WideFormats objects as a wide table that…
Out-NullDeletes output instead of sending it…
Out-DefaultSend the output to the default forma…
Out-HostSends output to the command line.
Out-FileSends output to a file.
Out-PrinterSends output to a printer.
Out-StringSends objects to the host as a serie…
Add-MemberAdds a user-defined custom member to…
Compare-ObjectCompares two sets of objects.
ConvertTo-HtmlCreates an HTML page that represents…
Export-CsvCreates a comma-separated values (CS…
Import-CsvImports comma-separated value (CSV) …
Export-AliasExports information about currently-…
Invoke-ExpressionRuns a Windows PowerShell expression…
Get-AliasGets the aliases for the current ses…
Get-CultureGets information about the regional …
Get-DateGets the current date and time.
Get-HostGets a reference to the current cons…
Get-MemberGets information about objects or co…
Get-UICulturegets information about the current u…
Get-UniqueReturns the unique items from a sort…
Import-AliasImports an alias list from a file.
Select-StringIdentifies patterns in strings.
Measure-ObjectMeasures characteristics of objects …
New-AliasCreates a new alias.
New-TimeSpanCreates a TimeSpan object.
Read-HostReads a line of input from the console.
Set-AliasCreates or changes an alias (alterna…
Set-DateChanges the system time on the compu…
Start-SleepSuspend shell, script, or runspace a…
Tee-ObjectPipes object input to a file or vari…
Measure-CommandMeasures the time it takes to run sc…
Update-TypeDataUpdates the current extended type co…
Update-FormatDataUpdates and appends format data files.
Write-HostDisplays objects by using the host u…
Write-ProgressDisplays a progress bar within a Win…
New-ObjectCreates an instance of a .Net or COM…
Select-ObjectSelects specified properties of an o…
Group-ObjectGroups objects that contain the same…
Sort-ObjectSorts objects by property values.
Get-VariableGets the variables in the current co…
New-VariableCreates a new variable.
Set-VariableSets the value of a variable. Create…
Remove-VariableDeletes a variable and its value.
Clear-VariableDeletes the value of a variable.
Export-ClixmlCreates an XML-based representation …
Import-ClixmlImports a CLIXML file and creates co…
Write-DebugWrites a debug message to the host d…
Write-VerboseWrites a string to the verbose displ…
Write-WarningWrites a warning message.
Write-ErrorWrites an object to the error pipeline.
Write-OutputWrites objects to the success pipeline.
Get-TraceSourceGets the Windows PowerShell componen…
Set-TraceSourceConfigures, starts, and stops a trac…
Trace-CommandThe Trace-Command cmdlet configures …